A real estate closing is an anxiety-inducing time, even if it goes smoothly. Add something unexpected, and it will throw you for a loop. I was thrilled when the sellers accepted my offer on a teardown lot in McLean, VA—the perfect place to build my own “Downton Abbey”–style manor. And the deal went forward without a hitch—that…

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Many seniors suffer long-term health issues after a hip fracture, even after hip replacement surgeries.  Now, research shows that a patient’s mental health could be crucial to how well they bounce back in the years after these injuries. “Addressing overall mental health during the recovery process from hip fractures is crucial,” concludes study senior author…

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Adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, otherwise known as ADHD, may face a shorter life expectancy than their peers. On average, men with ADHD died seven years earlier than men without it, while women with ADHD died nine years earlier than their counterparts, according to a study of more than 30,000 people published Thursday in…

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Got brain fog? Can’t concentrate because you didn’t sleep well — or sleep much at all — last night? Tiredness and fatigue from sleep deprivation are common problems, says the National Sleep Foundation (NSF). Inadequate rest can lead to individual mood and health issues, as well as dips in work productivity, which extends the problem…

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Despite decades of campaigns highlighting the “baby on back” recommendation for safe infant sleep, 12% of 4-month-old babies in the United States are still put to bed lying on their sides or tummies, a new report finds. That number rises to 19% among infants aged 9 months and 23% among 1-year-olds. Putting an infant to…

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A recent survey from the American Advisors Group found that 74% of adult children of baby boomer parents prefer that their parents retire and age in their own homes—this to relieve the financial and emotional pressures stemming from elder care and growing retirement insecurity. Staying in your home as you age allows you to stay…

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Time spent sitting, reclining or lying down during the day could increase a person’s risk of heart disease and death, a new study warns. More than 10 and a half hours of sedentary behavior is significantly linked with future heart failure and heart-related death, even among people who are getting the recommended amount of exercise,…

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It doesn’t take much: Adding just five minutes of exercise to your daily routine lowers your blood pressure and might cut your odds for heart disease, new research shows. “The good news is that whatever your physical ability, it doesn’t take long to have a positive effect on blood pressure,” said study lead author Jo…

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A lien is not something many people are personally familiar with, yet it’s a term that all homebuyers, homeowners, and home sellers should know. A lien is a legal notice that’s placed on house as a consequence of an unpaid debt. If you haven’t paid your real estate taxes, for example, the government might impose…

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How you hold your arm during a blood pressure test can significantly impact the accuracy of your results. A new study finds not following current guidelines during a BP screening may lead to a misdiagnosis of hypertension. Researchers looked at the effects of three common arm positions on 133 adults, 18 to 80 years old.…

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