Because of the new realities that have afflicted the American healthcare system and its capacity to provide care during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, many seniors may be looking at options beyond nursing homes or care facilities out of a desire to remain as far away from the risk of infection as possible. Seniors in general…

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Want to give your brain a boost? Go for a swim, take a walk, or spin your partner on the living room floor. A new study finds that aerobic exercise can improve older adults’ thinking and memory, even if they’re longtime couch potatoes. This type of exercise increases blood flow to the brain and counters…

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Health expenses in retirement remain a major influence on the ability for seniors to maintain stability in their post-working lives, but remain surprisingly overlooked as seniors plan out their retirement finances. This is according to financial planner Eric Brotman in a new column at Forbes. In citing a recent study on healthcare retirement saving patterns…

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In the first five years of retirement, American seniors are likely to face significant financial challenges in making ends meet. According to a survey of Americans who retired between 1992 and 2014 conducted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), over half (51%) had income, savings or other non-housing assets allowed them to maintain the…

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As more American seniors find themselves economically impacted by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, more of them may be looking at new financial options that they may not have considered before in order to make ends meet. One of these new potential options may be a reverse mortgage, and it’s in that spirit that has…

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As employment options decline and older Americans remain at a heightened risk of developing severe cases of COVID-19 during the global pandemic, a reverse mortgage can be one tool that allows seniors to remain a home, writes U.S. News and World Report in an article published this week. The article outlines several ways for seniors…

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In general, people have a tendency to put aside money for accomplishing different tasks they’d like to achieve in their lives. Maybe there’s a swear jar on the kitchen table to try and dissuade the occasional curse word from slipping out around the kids, or maybe a couple has a specific bank account dedicated to…

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The economic toll of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic becomes more visible with each passing week, and for those who are looking at avoiding an adverse effect on retirement accounts and savings, a reverse mortgage may provide an option to avoid the economic shocks of the moment. This is according to writers Douglas A. McIntyre and…

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The economic volatility currently being caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has made generating retirement income more difficult, which is why “outside the box” solutions should be on the table for American seniors. One such solution is a reverse mortgage, according to Charles Rawl, certified financial planner and principal at Charles W. Rawl and Associates,…

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Reverse mortgage applications are up during a time when many senior homeowners are looking for “lifeline” to help lessen sequence of returns risk, writes CNBC in an article published Monday. Further, some advisors are taking a second look at this option for their clients. “With coronavirus shutdowns wreaking havoc on the global economy, investment portfolios…

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